The 2022 Project Next Thrive Edition by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi builds a bridge to solve problems, make money and make the world a better place.
Who doesn’t want to be a part of that?
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Listen, I’ve probably tested over a hundred courses and digital products over 10 years of doing affiliate marketing. However, a long time ago I decided to review only the best ones, as why waste your time on something that’s not helpful?
Unless you want to do a switcheroo and bad-mouth one course to promote another; I don’t do that.
So, while I only review programs I find helpful, once in a while there comes a course that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Project Next 2022 Experience is one of those products, a complete self education training program.
Why is Next Project Experience Different? New Course in 2022
It’s like the famous proverb: “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”
Only, Project Next gives you the fish (or rather makes you realize you already have it), teaches you how to fish (learn how to extract it), and gives you all the tools to do it for a lifetime.
The only other course I saw doing that was the last version of Project Next, the one that changed my life. However, I’ll talk about that later.
Getting The Fish
There are not that many programs out there that work right out of the box. Most will require for you to learn a new skill. It’s almost to be expected these days if you don’t have any previous experience.
However, with Project Next, Tony and Dean know that you already have the first step. You already have the knowledge, experience, or passion that could be packaged and sold to help others.
Even if you think you don’t, you most likely do. However, you can also extract other people’s knowledge and experience that are also already there. That’s how Tony Robbins and Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, got started. You can start like too with Project Next Thrive Edition.
Learning to Fish
So, if you already have the knowledge or are in the proximity of someone who does, what’s next? You would need to extract it, package it, and sell it. This is what you will learn from Dean, Tony, and other experts.
Many marketers talk a big game, but there are a handful of people in the world that can compare to Dean Graziosi when it comes to creation and sales. His brands and companies, to date, have generated around 2 billion dollars.
Plus, he’s the mastermind behind both Time to Thrive Challenge and Project Next, so he knows what he’s talking about.
The Tools To Fish
Finally, with Project Next 2022, you get not only the strategies and training but also the tools needed to implement it.
The big part is the mastermind platform, but about in the detailed review of Project next below. You also get a community filled with past and current students, as well as a panel of experts and coaches.
So, it’s Project Next for you? Yes!
Ready To Build a Bridge and Help Others?
Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi practice what they preach. You don’t get to be in this business for 45 years, like Tony Robbins, or, 25 years, like Dean Graziosi, by being fake. That's why Project Next Thrive is so popular.
I’ve been in this industry for a decade and saw dozens of gurus come and go, while these two have 70 years of combined business experience.
You see, both Tony and Dean love helping people. Which is at the core of Project Next Thrive Edition.
For example:
- You can take what you experienced or dealt with and help others
- You can report on someone’s experience and knowledge
- You can teach others about your passion, etc.
The idea is that you can sell what you know, or someone else, and make money while helping others. Building a bridge for them, so they can overcome or get to the place they want to be faster thanks to you.
Would You Want A Bridge with ProjectNext Thrive Course?
Does anyone even want to learn from me? That was the first roadblock I hit when doing Project Next. I thought to myself that all the information I had was not exactly groundbreaking.
To give you an example, I struggled with eczema most of my life, and when I saw my 6-month-old daughter get it as well; It devastated me. Because I knew what it meant, and didn’t want her to suffer as I did.
So what did I do? I researched like crazy and tried everything until it all came together, and for the past 10 years, my daughter has been eczema free.
Was it worth it? I’ve spent almost two years on it, but yes, it definitely was.
However, if I could go back and simply buy a course or a 3 hours workshop that would condense and explain everything I’ve learned over the 2 years, would I?
Of course, there is no doubt in my mind. That’s why I know others would too.
Why Not Give Out The Info For Free?
That is a good question that I’ve asked myself as well. In my opinion, there are two appropriate answers for that.
1: People don’t value things they get for free.
This is what Jim Rohn told Tony Robbins when Tony wanted his course for free. When you actually spend money or time on something, it becomes much more valuable and you’ll more likely take it seriously.
It’s like my advice about eczema. I privately told a few people what I did to help manage my daughter’s eczema and while they seem to listen, to my knowledge, none of them used my advice.
If I had to guess, I would say it came to them too easily and freely. They just simply got it from me and didn’t take it seriously.
I mean, if it was worth anything, I would have sold it, right?
2: Free: Limits Your Work, Exposure and Reach
While the last sentence is not 100% accurate, it has some truth in it. People tend to not value free stuff. On the other hand, giving your knowledge and time for free is also very limiting.
How many people would I be able to tell about my solution by just talking to them? Maybe 1 or 2 a day? How about if I wrote a book? Or I shot a YouTube video?
Unless I was an established creator, few would read or see the video. So, without actually reaching people that need it, what good would the book or video do? It would just be another lost media on the internet.
On the other hand, actually putting a price on your knowledge makes it a lot more valuable. Plus, it leaves the time and money to market it to the people that really need it.
I mean, when your toilet breaks, you don’t expect the plumber to fix it for free, do you? After all, it’s the plumber’s knowledge and time you buy.
Why then not sell your own time and knowledge?
Project Next Reviews Thrive Edition 2022
So, let’s see how Project Next 2022 can help you follow your dream. However, one thing to keep in mind is that fulfilling a dream is not always a straightforward road. Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone to accomplish something great.
With that said, the most obvious 2 roads you can take with Project Next is to create your own product by extracting what you’re passionate about. Or be a reporter and report other people’s knowledge, experience and message.
However, don’t think it’s limited to just those two. The bigger picture is that it opens doors to being anything you ever wanted.
In fact, if you want to be an artist, writer, filmmaker, entertainer, or anything between that, it will help you get your message out, build an audience and help you launch whatever you want.
How about a business owner? An entrepreneur? A marketer? Again, Project Next Thrive Edition has the right mindset and strategies to help you accomplish anything online. Then you can create a course about it and post it on
However, for the sake of the review, I’ll focus on the product creation aspect of Project Next
What Do You Get from Anthony Robbins and Dean Graziosi?
Let’s look at the tools and resources you get with Project Next 2022 Thrive Edition to take it to a higher level. I’ve done this in the list to no-repeat what Tony, Dean, and other Project Next reviews talked about.
- The Project Next 2022 Thrive Course – a brand new version of the Project Next 6-module course for 2022. Which will teach you:
- Strategies on what to sell and how to sell it ethically
- Marketing like a normal person in 2022 to people that want to hear your message
- Finding the people/clients that want to work with you using social media
- Selling strategies that don’t feel like selling but helping (Dean, Tony, and the rest uses it)
- 6 Weeks of Live Group Coaching with Dean – weekly training with Dean and Project Next Thrive family for:
- better and fadster implementation of course
- Hand-holding throughout the entire process
- New training and secrets revealed live
- More real-life experience and knowledge
- over-the-shoulder explanations
- Platform – you get 3 free months of the platform Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi built for over $2 million using their own 70+ years of experience
- You can build courses, workshops, masterminds, and events with it
- Share your message with thousands of Masterminds members
- Learn to market it to your inner and outer circles
- The Mastermind World Summit – you get free VIP tickets to the Tony and Dean virtual event that will feature more guests and their experiences as well as the ability to:
- Share your own success
- Take your project to the next level
- Connect with more influential people
- Mastermind Private Community – a self-education revolution private group where Tony, Dean, and all the featured guests, as well as Project Next students, come together. You can:
- Ask questions
- Get feedback
- Connect with like-minded people
- Share your own struggles and results
- Project Next Bonuses – You also get these epic bonuses:
- The Expert Corner
- Organic Social Media Domination with Alex Hormozi
- Speaking On Stage with Bari Baumgardner
- Marketing Mastery with Brendon Burchard
- 10x Sales Masterclass with Russel Brunson
- Viral Funnels with Rachel Miller
- Abudant Life Program with Lica Nichols
- X Factor Exprience with Maya Comerota
- 5 Keys To Success with Tony
- Marketing 2.0 with Dean
- much more
- Dean’s entire library of Marketing
- Mindset and Momentum coaching
- Over three years worth of life-changing knowledge
- The Expert Corner
Honestly, the Experts Corner is worth the $997 pricetag alone. I mean you can learn from people Alex Hormozi, Russel Brunson, Rachel Miller and Maya Comerota, who I'll talk about later.
Imagine getting coaching program from those amazing speakers. Total immersion and mastery of growth stratetgies. A system that guves you access to channels and team you could not get without Project Next Thrive Edition.
You already saw so many amazing people doing their projects to be the best versions of themsleves. What's upcoming for you? How many editions of yourself do you need to check before taking action?
Get Project Next Thrive and take advantage of the bonuses on your journey to help even one person, you, or millions if you choose so.
All in all, it’s a course complete with live training, a platform, and a community to get started on your next project. Are you ready?
Will You Get Started With ProjectNext 2022?
By now, between Time to Thrive Challenge and my review, you know what Project Next 2022 does, what it does, and how you can use it. However, will you get started with it?
Are you ready for the next step in your life? You have to be honest with yourself, don’t half-ass this opportunity. If you’re serious, click the link below and change your life. If not, what’s stopping you?
Just make sure it isn’t you. You can blame society, your loved ones, or circumstances for your problems or shortcoming. I can’t help to do it too, but they’re not in charge of you. Sure, they can harm or help you but are not in charge of you. You’re the one that has the authority and power over you.
Are You ready? Now
If you have questions or just want to chat about Project Next comment below.
Tony Robbins Reviews Your Life
Dean loves to make his decision making as simple as possible. One of his famous ones is the rocking chair test. It works by imagining yourself at 80 or 90 years old rocking in a chair and wondering if the older version of you would make that decision or not.
For example, would a 90 year old you would be glad you bought Project Next Thrive Edition in 2022, or not? Yuo can argue, that there is no way of knowing because you don't know if it will work for you. Which is fair.
However, the puprose of this test is to put a value on a decision you make based on how much it can altern your life.
To give another exmaple, Project Next Thrive edition cost around the same as a more highend smartphone. Now, ask your 90 year old self what would be a better purchase. A $1,000 smarthphone (that will last you 2 to 4 years top) or a Project Nest, an oppotunity that could your life forever?
Do you think you as a 90 year old would regret not getting the newest phone in 2022 or Project Next? Yes, so many of us are ready to lease, or take a loan, to buy the lastest smartphone but won't invest in ourselves. Why is that?
Do We Lack Vision To Thrive?
I think one reason is that we can't imagine how much such a course like Project Next Thrive Edition can change ourlives. We see all these succesful entropenuers claim it's amazing program, see hundreds if not thousands of success stories from previous students, yet doubt it would work for us.
Which takes me to another test Dean does, the video your maker would show. The premise is similar, after this life you meet your makes and he, or she, shows you a video of the berson you could have become. The best version of you.
Are you that person right now? Despite the depth of that question, I bet you knew the answer to it right away. I would even guess the things that need to change in your lfie just flashed throught your mind when you read it.
Yes, we are stuck in this rut and it's hard to see that far into the future. It seems to come to Dean, Tony, Matthew and everyone else so easily, but does it to you? Well, let's bring it down a bit.
What if you didn't have to wait for the maker, what if Tony Robbins reviewed your life right now?
Your Life: Tony Robbins Review 2022
So, if you watched the challenge, the bonus video, or anything with Tony Robbins you know his style. If he looked over your life what would he say?
- You're doing great! Keep going and you'll crash it
- Or you gotta stop sitting around and take massive action?
I could almost visualize Tony Ropbbins saying that to me as well. I know I'm not living the best life I could, in fact, I'm taking massive action by writing this. Hopefully, it could help someone as well, maybe you? If you're still reading this, I think it is you.
So, what would Tony Robbins say to you? About your finances, relationship, health, state of your being?
In my opinion this is simpler than going all the way to 90 years old you or even meating your maker. Tony Robbins ideas are fresh in your mind so this exercise shouldn't be that hard.
However, if it still is you can try Maya Comerota did and make decision as you from the future.
What To Do Next To Thrive?
You probably heard that if you want something you should act as you already have it. Personally, I think it's a bit harder than it sounds and and needs more context.
For example, if you want a red ferrari. How can you act like you have it without being able to drive it? In my opinion, a simpler ideas is set a date and go from that. So, istead of acting like you have a ferreri in ytour possetion act like you own it already, but it's comming to you in 6 months.
Why this is easier? Because subconciaolly you will work on it to egt it in 6 months. It's not magic then, it's a destination. Like going on a trip, you pick a destination and calcualte the time it will take you to get there.
However, even that takes some practice. What you can do right now is what Maya Comerota said during the bonus day of Project Next Thrive Edition challenge.
Make a decision based on the perosn you want to be in 12 months. Again, we are looking into the future of a perosn you want to become. Maybe you're more wealthy, educated, healthier or whatever you desire.
So, why make a decission based on the person you want to be and not the one you're now? Perspective, if you're in a survival mode right now, your decisions are based on suriving not thriving.
It's like if you were lost in a forest with no food or shelter, your mind would autmatically make decisions base on the situation you're in right now. Your mind would focus on survining, getting food, shelter, and not what you will do in 6 months from now.
Those of us that are in survival mode are stuck in like the person lost in the forest. Our decision are based on surtuvinf the next day, week, moth or year. We don't focus on thriving.
However, if you shift your perspective and picture you're already thriving things start to change. You start focusin on the longterm goal. Like the person lost in the forest, once he's no longer dying from thirst or safe from wild animals, he also need to start thinking about a way out rather than just focusing on the next meal.
That's why imaging yourself succesfull in 12 months will help you make decission about the future. Because if you made decision in survival mode, they will be based on surival. In thriving mode, they will be based on thriving.
Survival mode got you this far, let thrive mode take you higher.
Join Project Next Thrive Edition before it closes.
I am an independent Mind Mint, LLC affiliate, not an employee. I receive referral payments from Mind Mint, LLC. The opinions expressed here are my own and are not official statements of or its parent company, Mind Mint, LLC.